Gen-M 02 Sin and Righteousness

Gen-M 02 Sin and Righteousness

14 x 20 cm
Jumlah halaman
68 hlm.
0 gr

Gen-M 02 Sin and Righteousness

Gen-M Friends, through this carefully created daily devotion for youth, you are going to know the Lord Jesus Christ better and grow your faith more and more each day as high-school students.

You can stay strong in the face of the hardships and temptations of this postmodern society if you have God’s teachings in your heart.

You can find in this book:
- Thorough knowledge of the content of the Bible.
- Accurate understanding of God’s words in relation to your individual circumstances and age group.
- Daily devotions and special articles to broaden your insights on the words of God.
Scripture Union Indonesia © 2017.